wrote a short story 👩🏻‍💻

Posted on Jun 29, 2023
tl;dr: branching out

I haven’t posted any updates on this site for a few months because I got Covid in March and my health is in the bin again. I’m not even close to where I was energy-wise but I am doing more. Make of that what you will. One of those doing-more-things involved writing a bizarro short story over 3 afternoons. I am just… a little bit sick of reality, I guess. Little bit sick of sincerity. Little bit sick of reviewing things in ways that are to be expected. Felt like it was time to write in new ways and see what words came out. So, I made this. It’s about Come Dine With Me. Hope you enjoy it because unfortunately there is more to come.

I am just soooo tired

all the time

but I need to write these things more than I need to be tired