do you want to see my kitten 🐈

Posted on Sep 4, 2024
tl;dr: Poor Artists is out in 1 month

I was enjoying keeping track of all my work on this website but I stopped updating for a few months because my chronic illness (POTS) is much worse in summer, so I’ve been doing other things instead like: lying in bed and knitting and trying not to vomit and getting a kitten and knowing my book is coming out in October but not really feeling like somebody whose debut is coming out in October because I’ve just been lying in bed and knitting etc. But here it is. I got a delivery of the US version this week. Here’s a picture of the book alongside some of that knitting and some of that kitten:

Piranesi and Poor Artists

A nice thing that’s been happening over this summer sick time is that a few testimonials have come in from people who have read the book already. Natalie Olah said it was ‘a landmark for art writing.’ Legacy Russell said it was ‘an indispensable read.’ Travis Alabanza said ‘I was surprised, challenged and affirmed - everything I love in a book.’ And Daisy Hildyard said ‘This book might change the way you look at art’ :)

pre-order links are:

  1. here for uk and europe
  2. here for US
  3. here for australia

but if you have a bookshop you prefer, then maybe check their site and order directly :)

i hope everyone has had a better summer than I have


p.s. I haven’t written much this summer but I did manage the following:

  1. A text called Slow Art
  2. A review of Ling Ma’s book Severance
  3. A text about Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower
  4. and a review of the LJMU degree show before I began my hibernation